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Old 03-24-2020, 08:51 AM   #226
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Originally Posted by Biggd View Post
I agree we have to get the economy back up and running. We are 9 days into the 15 days of the social distancing order and after the 15 days hopefully we have given the health care industry time to catch up and get ahead of the overload so we don't end up like Italy.
I have a daughter that is an RN and she is sacrificing her health night and day to help people get through this. She is working 24/7 but she's not going to be rich when this is all over. Hopefully she doesn't have to quarantine because of not having enough PP&E to protect herself. There are people sacrificing to keep people safe, not for money.
Anyone that believes in "thinning the herd" for the benefit of the masses should do us all a favor and remove themselves from the equation.

Who said “thinning the herd” nobody here I’m sure wants people to perish from this disease but the overreacting in my opinion again is going to have a great effect and cost more lives if the economy is not jump started quickly.

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