Originally Posted by gwhite13
Not all republicans are racist, but all racists are republican. plus or minus 2%. Be safe don't catch the trump virus, first sign is stupidity. enjoy today
Your lack of intelligence is showing. The facts do not support your claim. Perhaps you may wish to think a little more before you post.
Hillary tried the same approach, making false claims about Republicans: How did that work out for you?
Some notable Republican progress to help minorities:
Civil Rights Act of 1960: "Eisenhower signed the GOP’s 1960 Civil Rights Act after it
survived a five-day, five-hour filibuster by 18 Senate Democrats."
Desegregating schools (1957): Dwight Eisenhower "deployed the 82nd Airborne Division to desegregate Little Rock’s government schools over the
strenuous resistance of Governor Orval Faubus (D., Ark.)."
Emancipation Proclamation (1863):
The first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, issued an order freeing all slaves in the confederacy.
The First Asian-American U.S. Senator (1959): The first Asian-American senator, Republican Hiram Fong, was elected in Hawaii.