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Old 04-10-2020, 08:53 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by cessnaair View Post
They said 1 to 2 million will die when this so called virus, yesterday Fauci down graded to 60,000, quite a drop. Typical flu season, 2018 80,000 died. This virus as I see spreads quickly than most but the ones that died mostly had pre existing condition. Last night on the news they said if they died from diabetes, heart condition or any other lethal illness but had the virus, it was counted as the virus killed them. They are cooking the books. Look how many have tested positive but but never needed hospitalization They used defective models, scared the crap out of everyone, media piled on and made it look far worse causing us to take draconian measures
Are you saying that our President is a fool?
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