Thread: Salmon outlook
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Old 04-13-2020, 03:29 PM   #13
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Winni Bob, spot on. I've been saying that for a few years now, on this and the winnifishing site. I caught my first fish on winni 60 years ago this spring. You nailed it, crayfish down, used to grab a dozen in the shoreline rocks in 30-40 minutes. Now I can't find ONE! Too many green lawns and septics are ruining the fishery. We used to C&R 25-30 salmon on a spring day. Now 2-3 and your doing well. Too many lake trout as well, seems to be way too many in my nets last 5-10 years, and now these rock bass. I don't have the answer, but I know guys like 308 and others seem to be taking an active role, which is fantastic, and I wish them well. Hopefully it will turn around!
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