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Old 04-15-2020, 10:13 PM   #53
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Question One Million Masks—New England Patriots

Originally Posted by radar4401 View Post
I'd like to throw out a few thoughts after reading on this subject recently. There is a Strategic Defense Supply designated for just such occurrences. However it was depleted during the last two pandemics and not filled during the budget sequestration during Obama's term. Also, a lot of the items have expiration dates on them so they need to be replenished if not used. Kinda catch 22 situation. I remember they had to waiver the expiration date on N95 masks taken out of storage in order to use them. Plenty of blame to go around.
New England Patriots private jet flew a million N-95 masks in from China. (Not sure if they've turned out to be the less effective KN-95 masks).
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