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Old 04-17-2020, 07:53 AM   #60
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Default Depopulation isn't always bad

Originally Posted by SAMIAM View Post
Bill Gates has a relationship with Monsanto and supports GMO's. I think I'd be wary of a vaccine that he has a hand in developing, considering his views on depopulating the planet
While I wasn't familiar with Gates' position on GMO's, its worth a look. Not a black and white issue, but not supported by a premise based on his position on depopulation.

The negative interpretation of Gates' depopulation comment is one that appears to originate from unscrupulous reporting. Snopes rates that position as false. According to Snopes, the malicious spin was reported by NewsPunch, a conspiracy rag, and spread like a virus from there. As usual, nuances matter. Depopulation can be the result of many things, including famine, war, disease or choice. Choice is good, right? Freedom and all that! Gates meant choice. Vaccines, along with a stable food supply, leads to lower child mortality, which leads people to choose to have fewer "spare" children. Voila, gradual depopulation. The article falsely said that Gates wants to kill 350,000 people per day, leading many to associate Gates with the bad ways the world might depopulate.

As with many conspiracy theories, there is a grain of truth that mutates into clickbait fallacies. Insidious, but all too common.

There will be wariness about Covid-19 vaccines, especially in the first year or two. Everyone will have to weigh the risks, including their age and medical conditions, along with how prevalent the virus is once the vaccines are available.

Since all postings here should have a lakes region spin, let's look at the impact of depopulation on our area. Build-out analysis, looking 50 years out, implies that the lake water quality and rural character cannot be sustained. Something has to give. Many parts of the world are having similar problems. Long term, population growth does not appear to be sustainable. Reducing growth by choice, rather than by war, depression and disease is an attractive alternative.
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