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Old 04-18-2020, 07:23 PM   #47
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Question Drivel? I Don't Think S0...

Being unfamiliar with the aforementioned doctor's term, I Googled "Gain of Function" and found the US ban against laboratory tampering with dangerous flu strains has expired.

Can we guess when?

Originally Posted by FlyingScot View Post
If we weren't supposed to be in isolation, I'd say you really need to get out more. How can you believe drivel from an unnamed "doctor" spouting paranoid conspiracy theories about people who have absolutely zero history of or incentive to conspire?
The good doctor (his posting history states he started in 1998) is "at it again" today:

"It actually makes perfect sense when you think about it. Coronaviruses usually can’t cause “significant human disease”. Since this is a “Gain of Function” Super Bug made in a lab now it’s in the wild it is already attenuating. It sounds like the CFR in January in China was a lot higher than 5%. So at 1 generation a day in about 100 generations it has already lost a lot of it’s “punch”. It “might” keep attenuating right down to the usual “native” lethality of Coronavirus which is “wimp”. IOW this may be why they felt they could “play” with this bug, it’s a wimp. Who knows? Another 100 generations and the CFR could be half what it is now. And again as much in another 100 generations. It ain’t the “world killer” but it is one hell of a wake up".
He "writes" and "sounds" like a medical doctor, said "Army-doctor" earlier—and left this:
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