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Old 04-19-2020, 07:40 PM   #50
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Question "Super Bug" Has US Fingerprints, Unfortunately...

Originally Posted by Mr. V View Post
Impossible, can't be done by a semi-truck.

You might be thinking of the original so-called "cannonball run."

Brock Yates and Dan Gurney drove a Ferrari Daytona coupe cross country

in a hair less than 36 hours.

They averaged 80 miles per hour and, on one deserted stretch, reached a top

speed of 172 miles per hour.

They made it from Manhattan to Redondo Beach, Calif., in 35 hours and 54 minutes.
Thanks to the this year's virus and empty roadways, the record is now just 25 hours.


Originally Posted by FlyingScot View Post
If we weren't supposed to be in isolation, I'd say you really need to get out more. How can you believe drivel from an unnamed "doctor" spouting paranoid conspiracy theories about people who have absolutely zero history of or incentive to conspire?
Since nothing specific was part of the above question, I suspect this paragraph is in contention for "drivel"?

"Perhaps not an “engineered bioweapon” but a “Super Bug” created as a research tool. A tool realized to be SO dangerous we had a moratorium on research with it here from 2016 until 2019. Research that curiously now we discover to be funded by Bill Gates and George Soros (and the nIH, of course)".
I'd already opined (earlier) that the U.S. taxpayer had a part in developing the COVID-19 virus. Now it's seen that as fact.

So—which part is "drivel"?
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