04-21-2020, 09:07 PM
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Originally Posted by ApS
Whoa! Do not take my silence as acquiescence. A couple of posters on other threads have very rightly pointed out the need for us to be kind and not dwell on the negative. I'm trying to do that.
A highly contagious virus, expected to kill thousands of Americans, can't be expected to result in many smiley-faced responses.
But since you called me out--I continue to hold the opinion that you are either very confused as a person or trying to confuse other people. It appears that you are unable to filter/understand things you read on the internet, and you regularly pass on misinformation. Your recent BS innuendo on Angela Merkel, for example.
Look up Merkel/Stasi for yourself, but knowing German helps comprehension. Or try "Images" to get the drift from the EU and the UK.
On this particular point--I posted above that you were wrong to cite an unnamed doctor. You are just as wrong to assert the doctor is reliable on COVID-19 simply because he is in the Army.
But if this Army physician's opinion appears later in a "Bubble" publication, it'd be all right? Since when can't we use logic and reason to evaluate what we encounter on the Internet? Let youthful and foreign PC "journalists" decide for us?
Unfortunately, too many people and organizations have been using fake experts to try to refute actual experts. You may have seen pop psychologist Dr Phil on TV as an "expert" trying to counter Dr Fauci, as one recent example. This is very dangerous--we need real experts to debate each other with facts, analysis, and logic, not TV personalities try to persuade with their personalities.
I know "'Dr.' Phil" from brief segments, but my Trinitron TV has been stored in the attic for 20 years. I wouldn't pit a PhD. against an M.D. on any occasion.
What would be "dangerous" would be to have Michelle or Oprah in the line of Presidential succession. (In discussions presently, and with millions from the Coronavirus Stimulus sent to open a PBS show).

OK... this is enoug APS many have had enough...you posts are very confusing. time to shut down and out!