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Old 04-26-2020, 06:31 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by FlyingScot View Post
Whoa! Do not take my silence as acquiescence. A couple of posters on other threads have very rightly pointed out the need for us to be kind and not dwell on the negative. I'm trying to do that. But since you called me out--I continue to hold the opinion that you are either very confused as a person or trying to confuse other people. It appears that you are unable to filter/understand things you read on the internet, and you regularly pass on misinformation. Your recent BS innuendo on Angela Merkel, for example. On this particular point--I posted above that you were wrong to cite an unnamed doctor.
You are just as wrong to assert the doctor is reliable on COVID-19 simply because he is in the Army.
Unfortunately, too many people and organizations have been using fake experts to try to refute actual experts. You may have seen pop psychologist Dr Phil on TV as an "expert" trying to counter Dr Fauci, as one recent example. This is very dangerous--we need real experts to debate each other with facts, analysis, and logic, not TV personalities try to persuade with their personalities.
The discussions have been long and (after a fashion) peer-reviewed by several others at the same forum. This particular quote does not involve [Retired Army doctor], but it includes a salute to his knowledge located at many other threads, plus attempting to educate thousands at this forum who are not inclined towards medicine.

Now that I think of it, the forum is mostly US military men and women who speak of China as our existential enemy. (Just as I do).

Since I am not a medical clinician, perhaps others here can confirm the validity of the text below. (Which is tiny portion of the hundreds of COVID-19 threads going on there).

My comments are [bracketed], and there were a few typos which I've corrected:

"For some time now, one of our dear friends and heroes here, [Retired Army doctor], a retired clinician, has been mocking the idea of zinc ionophores, which he calls “zinc pores” and likening the idea to homeopathic quackery. This does not bother me in the slightest and I only hope to get at the truth.

He has made an argument that he thinks is conclusive which I might summarize as “because homeostasis.” “Go read up on zinc homeostasis!” Also in one of his comments he gives a brief summary of evidence of zinc homeostasis in the body. There is of course no doubt about the phenomenon. In fact he might have pointed out that the mechanism we are describing requires an amount of labile zinc the amount of which, in interstitial tissues, is effectively NONE!

I figure he knows something I do not know about this, so I have been all around researching. I have included reading about cancer research including using pyrithione as ionophore since all of that work would also be obviated by the “because homeostasis” argument. Wei-Qun Ding and Stuart Ling in a paper from November 2009 imagine a whole new class of anti-cancer drugs.

I have really enjoyed my study and was delighted to find hope regarding what I considered to be the two real problems in this work, namely how do you target only the compromised cells, and how do you get the effect you want without killing all the cells. At Leiden University in 2010, Snijder and van Hemert got the effect on many viruses including nidoviruses like SARS-CoV without cytotoxicity!

There is a lot of interest in zinc as in some situations and cells it signals apoptosis [cell death] and in others it stops it. You can turn it on and off depending on what you put with it, crucial in dealing with cancer cells. (They are a long way from this being practical.) But I cannot find anyone who thinks that it is impossible to get free Zn++’s to the site “because homeostasis.” There is talk about nitric oxide dramatically increasing the levels of reactive zinc intracellularly. They used zinc hydroxide and zinc acetate always assuming that the Zn++ had to be provided with the ionophore.

Zinc Homeostasis would be the reason zinc must be provided if our theory of therapeutic effect is at all reasonable.

Please tell me where I am going wrong. Also everyone please understand that I consider [Retired Army doctor] to be among the finest friends on this forum, a hero, a patriot, an example to us all for whom I have the deepest respect though I have never met him personally."
It was at this same site that I found the "Copy and Carry This Proven Procedure" Winni thread-starter.

I sent that link to a neighbor, a doctor. She replied, as below:
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