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Old 04-27-2020, 11:05 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by TheRoBoat View Post
Is this posted to say Covid is a threat to our food supply, or that we alarmists are over reacting to something?
Yes, unfortunately, there are alarmists. It wasn't that long ago that we made the decision to quarantine and shelter in place based on "models" showing two to three million Americans dying from the Chinese coronavirus. Essentially, we've experienced a bad flu season. (I question the death numbers we are seeing. I think they're inflated. They include deaths from hospice facilities, for example. There appears to be no discrimination between the flu or the Chinese coronavirus. Nearly every death with an associated sickness is being attributed to Chinese coronavirus, without the benefit of autopsies.)

Anyway, the models were completely wrong. The alarmists and the media are complicit in ginning up this so-called crisis.
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