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Old 04-28-2020, 04:31 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by Glendale Deli Boy View Post
Seems that we need to find a balance. Many of the strident posters on this board seem to feel that we should have completely disregarded the medical consensus that we needed to change the trajectory of this thing, or they think we should be on complete lockdown until a vaccine is in place. Or maybe that’s just the noise on here and there are a whole lot of folks that want to find a reasonable middle ground. But I digress.

With all due respect my main point is I simply don’t get the flu argument that you make. The data I have seen indicates one of the worst flu seasons in recent memory was when up to 60,000 people died here in the U.S. We have seen close to that number of deaths already and obviously many more to come, and all that is despite the incredibly draconian and strict measures that were implemented all over the world. In my humble opinion it is logical to assume the number of deaths would be far, far greater than the worst flu season had no measures at all been put in place. But even with the extreme measures in place we have failed. The U.S. population is but a few percent of the world but we have more than 25 percent of the deaths. We sadly missed the opportunity early on to rein this in.

I agree though that our county needs a healthy debate on how to address the pandemic in the most reasonable way possible. I think the U.S. is having that debate now but our politics are so poisoned, people so polarized, and our faith in our political leadership so lacking that it’s an ugly, unhealthy, hate filled debate. Too bad the centrists are gone. They’ve been eviscerated from the public arena to the detriment of our country and its future.
Excellent post. The bickering, chest beating and ganging up is out of control (IMHO). If this represents what society is turning into .....

There used to be a term: "the silent majority", hope it is alive and well..
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