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Old 06-07-2020, 10:47 PM   #8
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Where is the outrage for the “numbers” of “real people” that die every day of a hundred other causes including whatever other “flu” is killing them?
Where is the outrage for “real people” that are dying trying to protect, as police officers, the public?
Where is the outrage for “real people” dying of cancer every hour because of the tobacco companies.
Where is the outrage about mass looting and destruction of lives and property being perpetrated by paid agitators ?
Where is the outrage about an entire city preparing to not “just de-fund” but ELIMINATE ENTIRELY, a police department?
Ad nauseum...
There is no outrage
We, as a country, have been duped by the government and media to be “woke” about “numbers” from a man-made virus perpetrated upon us by some Chinese “scientists” that were careless as well as the CCP allowing this virus to be transmitted to the world by hiding it and preparing for mass profiteering because they held products that would be needed by the world.
Screw “the numbers” as I, for one, am tired of hearing about them.

Last edited by Hillcountry; 06-12-2020 at 06:42 AM.
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