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Old 06-11-2020, 10:32 AM   #15
Mr. V
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Originally Posted by ishoot308 View Post
No, I’m talking reality...I don’t believe in posting “fortune telling”, “the cup is half empty” fear mongering crap from people and organizations and media outlets who have had it wrong all along and rely On sensationalism for ratings and popularity.
The gov't and media outlets have not "had it wrong all along."

The infection / death rate would have been much, much worse had we not stayed at home, adopted social distancing, used hand sanitizer, washed our hands more frequently and avoided touching our faces.

Yes, the economy suffered, and yes we must reopen, but precautions are still very necessary.

To believe and act otherwise seems to me to be the height of foolishness.
basking in the benign indifference of the universe
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