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Old 07-03-2020, 01:49 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by SailinAway View Post
Based on the delusional statements "In the U.S. under 150 people under the age of 50 have died," "it is statistically impossible for me to die of the Chinese coronavirus," and so many similar irrational and false statements, I appeal to the forum owner to terminate this poster's account. He has become a destructive presence here.
Have to agree that these statements are false. Back on April 8, it was reported in the Washington Post that 759 people under the age of 50 had died from COVID in the US. Anecdotally (not antidotally as someone stated in another post), a 39 year old man in perfect health was among those deaths. Obviously, many more under the age of 50 have died in the past 3 months. I could download the data and figure it out, but I’m lazy.

The words “statistically” and “impossible” should not be used together in this case. The chances may be asymptotically approaching zero, but not at zero.

I don’t think Major’s account should be terminated, but I do wish he’d post more about Lakes Region activity rather than getting hung up on the COVID situation. But perhaps it’s the lawyer in him that keeps him arguing.

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