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Old 07-08-2020, 06:57 AM   #63
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Originally Posted by BroadHopper View Post
Even a used Formula is expensive, and what does that tell you?
Well one thing it tells me is that not everyone can afford one.

After literally a lifetime of boating, only last year could I afford it, and only because I got a crazy good deal from Paugas Bay Marine. ( P.S. So far, they have been the best marina I have ever dealt with! )

For years I looked at Formulas at the docks and boat shows and was impressed and thought it would be nice, but they were way out of my budget. And even last year we only looked at a Formula because I wanted to see the features and was thinking maybe a used Formula or if not then maybe some mid-level brand that had the key items we were looking for. We just happened to get lucky and cut a great deal completely unexpectedly.

I couldnt be more happy with the deal and the boat, but there is no way I could have even afforded even a used Formula 10 years ago. We struggled to cover the costs of our Caravelle back then.

I guess my only point is all this is its easy for us to recommend any particular brand, but in the end there is a lot more then good recommendations that goes into the decision about which one to purchase, and sometimes even a few percent more in cost is a deal breaker and people have to find their best overall balance and deal.

Boat shopping is a big expense and the purchase is just the beginning.

Just saying,,, ;-)
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