Thread: Electrocution
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Old 07-15-2020, 07:20 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by ishoot308 View Post
So let me make sure I got this straight Rich....your saying I am better off not getting one of these Safety devices because of the false sense of security?? One of these safety alarms could fail and someone could get electrocuted? So my choices if I care about my family are...

A: Don’t allow anyone to swim at my island home ever.

B: Don’t do anything

Hmmmm....I think I’ll go my route and take my chances. After all a safety device that works 50% of the time is better than nothing....

Be educated and smart about it.

If it was your private dock and no other boats are involved, then you can be more sure of the condition of your boat than at a Marina where there is less control and more boats.

Perhaps a safer thing to do would be to switch off the shore power to the dock while people are swimming, or get the alarm and I hope all your equipment is in good order, also be sure the alarm is functioning as well as your GFCI is functioning.

But either way, please understand the issues at hand (read those links). A failure can happen when you least expect it.
Don't listen to me, obviously I don't understand what I'm talking about!
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Last edited by Rich; 07-15-2020 at 09:23 AM.
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