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Old 09-04-2020, 01:23 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by Winilyme View Post
25 years ago we built our home in CT. We chose to install a ground source geothermal heat pump - a new thing in CT at the time. We were one of the first 50 residential units to be installed in the state...deciding to move forward with the help of incentives courtesy of our electric utility. Today, geothermal is very much a selling advantage in real estate listings. So, I think your point is a good one. Still, I am sure that the health of the lake cannot be solved by education alone. Someone’s going to have to wave a big stick.

By the way, that geo system we bought was a great decision. It’s saved us boatloads of money and is a very safe, environmentally friendly and comfortable heat and AC source.
RE; Your Geothermal system

And that is EXACTLY my point, no one forced you to put it in and now you can sing the praises of how good it is and how much you saved.

Thats a much better AND more effective method than a big stick in places like NH.

Dont go to NH and "tell" anyone what they must do, convince them and you will have a strong following. It has been my observation that people from NH are very practical and may not jump on the bandwagon right away waiting to see if its BS or a fad, but once they see the clear truth, they will do whats right for them. But threaten them with a big stick and you may come to regret it, or at the very least, you will only slow the progress you seek.

My two cents and observations, your opinion may vary.
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