Thread: Corner House
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Old 09-10-2020, 12:46 PM   #6
Sue Doe-Nym
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Originally Posted by CornerHouse View Post
Greetings Winnipesaukee Forum!

Corner House is indeed hanging in there! Lexi here.
Corner House was on a winter break in March from the 8th to 17th. We reopened to Curbside pickup only on Fridays & Saturday’s. Most staff members had already self quarantined prior to the requirement. That left myself in the front of house as well 3 in the kitchen. As friends collected unemployment & my kitchen staff disliked wearing masks, 2 more joined the unemployment front.
I hired a guest named Jaymie & then I went back to the kitchen. When we were permitted to open on the patio we did, then inside when permitted. I was the bartender. Then I was the Chef & bartender. However the bar was intermittently open upstairs due to not enough staff members. I hired over 8 youths (14-17) & they really saved the day. Someone actually took notice of how many youths I had & called the board of labor concerned they were working too many hours & days in a week. However, I’m proud to say, legal all summer with my youths! However, last February I let one youth clock out 2 minutes after 9pm & will be fined. Though, somehow, through the most difficult summer of my life, we were above board with our youths & Corner House made it through the summer, wearing smiles under our masks!
Friday & Saturday only continued as not enough staff members were willing to work or would stipulate they will only work outside. I should have had 10 servers & I had 4, 2 being under 18, therefore unable to touch alcohol. (170 seat restaurant, 2 stories) I would conveniently deliver your drink after making in those cases. Those over 18 that did work coincidentally already had full time jobs (library director at private school & logistics manager for a manufacturer). This is not how things should run obviously, though more would have been disappointed if Corner House were closed temporarily or permanently. Therefore I opened on the days I had enough workers to make it run which was always Friday & Saturday. It will continue with Friday & Saturday going into fall & winter. Live music & activities fueled Corner House in winter & they are not permissible inside at this time.

In an attempt to keep locals out of the grocery store I offered produce in bulk for guests. I would send out the price list, guests email me the order Thursday & the produce is delivered Saturday morning. I sorted it in the parking lot & loaded into your vehicle. I added a 20% house fee. That occurred from March to late July. Also 50lb bags of flour & meat on some occasions. I sold just over $10,000 worth of produce.
I offered a number of drive thru chicken BBQ’s as well. A previous owner Judy Coolidge would often feature a chicken BBQ. The closed off inside offered the perfect opportunity for me to offer this historic event. Jeff O’Neil & John Hall built the pit & helped extensively to make these historic & fun BBQ’s happen!

I feel 60% of guests were very understanding to the pandemic & the restaurant situations. Most locals as well. Though 40% or perhaps toward the end of the summer guests were less understanding. With regard to questioning if places are open or why not answering the phone. I personally found that you sometimes couldn’t always get to the phone. One day I burned 3 pans of jasmine rice over answering the phone & I can’t imagine how many calls I missed that didn’t leave a voicemail when I was downstairs in the walk-in getting food to prep in order to literally open the doors later. Though the reality is I was willing to pay someone to answer it, manage it etc & no one would come. The sole proprietor owners like myself, have very full plates & we are sorry if we disappointed you this summer in any way. This is also not over, in a way, the most difficult part is just ahead, a slow winter paired with COVID.

Thank you for taking the time to read. You are welcome to patronize Corner House via curbside pick up or place a reservation if interested. We also offer Dockside Delivery on Squam. Place your order by 4pm & we deliver to your dock or boat on Squam Lake via boat around 6pm.

I’ve updated google days & hours professionally, personally & called them yet new hours have not yet shown up. Apologies.

We are hiring!
Server 7.25 + gratuities
Friday Host/Curbside Coordinator 11 + gratuities
Line Cook 16-25 based on experience

Have a safe, short winter!

PS: Inn rooms have, all been converted into dining rooms from late 90’s, many people think we still offer overnight accommodations, alas
That’s very good news! We are glad that you have been able to survive such a volatile year....not a pleasant entree into the business. Forum members are great at spreading the word, so hopefully you’ll have many new customers. Best of luck going forward.
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