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Old 09-21-2020, 08:06 AM   #10
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Default If you get into it...

....I would highly recommend a battery-powered ice auger. When I first started ice fishing in my late teens, I used a manual chisel. Not a problem when the ice is 6" thick, but when it's 18"...2' or more in February, you can spend 30+ minutes just digging your hole. For a long time, I had a gas-powered auger. However, they are heavy, they stink, they're loud, and you have to lug around a can of gas, too.

About 7 years ago, I bought an Ion, (brand name), battery powered auger. Absolutely love it. Light-weight, quiet, goes through 2' of ice lickety-split. I think I paid around $550 or so for mine, new, at AJ's. I agonized for quite a while about spending the money, but if you ice fish a fair amount, especially on this lake where the ice can get very thick, it is well worth the money.
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