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Old 10-07-2020, 08:45 AM   #17
Susie Cougar
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Originally Posted by thinkxingu View Post
I've thought the same thing since spring. What people are paying for things these days is crazy. It's just a matter of time before a sizeable population of America is once again under water.

My neighbor, for example, just refinanced and took $30k out for a pool. They extended the term and are now tapped for equity—it's crazy town, like everybody forgets what happened in the Great Recession.

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People are looking for any way they can to enjoy their own homes as much as possible.
You used to be able to go to the community pool for a swim and now you can’t. You used to go to the gym and work out but now you can’t. That’s why so many people are moving to new homes where they have a backyard for their family to get some exercise and fresh air.
If my daughter’s husband was not a school principal and dependent on his pension, she and her family would move in a heartbeat. They live in a small little row house in Baltimore City with two kids doing homeschooling and both parents working from home virtually.

If she could put a pool in her backyard, She would. She recently bought a peloton bicycle and the whole family is now using this since they cannot go to the gym anymore.
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