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Old 10-07-2020, 02:57 PM   #38
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Default Amenities

Originally Posted by thinkxingu View Post
I will be interested to see how those purchasing in the area, seeking "space," will do long-term without amenities and with a long winter. I'm thinking in a year or two, we may see a fair amount of those people retreating back to city life. As flylady said above, though, there is the very real chance that these people have reevaluated what's important in life and, like many of us, have settled on the lake/country(ish) lifestyle.

I do think the bubble will burst at some point, though. I mean, I NEED it to so's I can fit Jettie Two into my budget!

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For me, too many of the new people want more amenities. We had neighborhoods built in the 70's with septics. When they all started to fail, there was pressure for sewer, with taxpayer support. Same for street lights and sidewalks. The list goes on. (Artificial turf!) If your family moves every 7 years you sort of take some of this stuff for granted. For us, many things that used to be done by volunteers, newcomers expect the city (taxpayers) to pay for and the volunteer attitude goes away. I hope when we can get out again that remote work and flex time will bring back community spirit.
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