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Old 10-08-2020, 11:14 PM   #55
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Default Be careul

Originally Posted by garysanfran View Post
Using debt to leverage one's life style is where I disagree with Ramsey. If I had to save to pay cash for the properties I own, I would not own the properties I own. The key is to have the cash flow to support your debt.
First, I agree with Gary.
Second, I have no knowledge of Dave Ramsey, but if you own only one house and have only one job/business,. risking that house on investments is not a good plan. Interest rates/quality bonds right now are close to zero. In 2008/2009 the markets tumbled and it wasn't just a two year correction. It took 8 years to START to recover. Can you hold out for 8-10 years without depleting capital?
If you have only one house, one job (source of income) and back up assets that produce less income (not unrealized capital gains (losses) than the monthly mortgage payment for three years, when the economy turns, you could be zero job and zero house, and not much in other assets. Talk to your elders who lived through the depression: put a safe roof over your head, no debt, and then start doing "investments." Obviously, some of this can be in parallel and you want to max a 401(k).
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