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Old 11-05-2020, 08:00 AM   #3
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The el cheapo white plastic foot valve, cost about 16.95, actually works very good and has plastic cone with small holes to help keep the ooze out. Should be elevated up off the lake bottom, tied atop a big concrete paver block that has holes for threading the yellow polyethylene rope. Sometimes, a fliter type bag is secured over the stop valve and line end to help keep any sediment and ooze out of the water supply. Is this drinkable water, no, it is not drinkable but is good for the sink, shower, and toilet. Is it good for brushing your teeth ..... a good question?

The foot valve or stop valve is usually the problem and is always best to replace it when the pump runs too much because the old spring inside it has lost its springiness and became a weak spring. Can probably be done from a rowboat using a long handle hoe or something to raise up the water line and lift the foot valve end up onto the row boat. You cut off the old valve with a hack saw, making a perfect even, smooth, 90-degree cut, cutting through the black cpvc water line, and gently tap a new valve into the line end with Vaseline, a mallet, and two opposing hose clamps.

Don't mess with the factory setting on the 30-50psi pressure switch ..... you will regret it. For 30-dollars you can get a new 30-50psi shallow well pressure switch which is probably a smooth move.
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!

Last edited by fatlazyless; 11-05-2020 at 10:11 AM.
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