Lots of fantastic ideas.
This is hopefully, just temporary to get to end of season.
With this weeks weather I’m so glad I didn’t close yet. What a week.
If for some reason I need to run the lake water next summer I’ll apply some of the mods suggested.
I got a new foot valve, 10” feet of tubing, a few unions and clamps.
I hope to avoid going in the water

I do have a wet suite and booties. But that might not cut it.
I have an old percolator I’m gonna use for hot dipping the tubing.
One thing I did on my prior pump was I did put a back flow valve near the pump but I replaced an elbow (on the lake side of the added back flow) with a T and a Valve off that new tap so I could still prime the line. Worked pretty good. But I didn’t want to get into adding all that.