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Old 11-08-2020, 10:12 AM   #19
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Here's a good shallow well pump repair story:

A neighbor was on his third day trouble shooting the very problematic shallow well cottage water system that sucks the water up and out of Lake Winnipesaukee.

By the third day, had totally dug up the underground cpvc 1 1/4" line expecting to find a crack in the line, somewhere, but no cracks were found.

What was the problem? He discovered that a chipmunk had stored acorns inside the line which blocked the line ..... ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

For priming if it ever loses prime, I hook a garden hose up to the outside garden hose faucet, and run the hose into the lake with a 1/6-hp utility pump attached, into the lake water, to get it filled and primed ..... after saying a prayer to the shallow well pump system gods.
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!
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