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Old 12-29-2020, 08:37 PM   #7
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Default Auto delivery

I'm amazed by the problems with automatic delivery.

We have had Eastern at our house for propane for 25 yrs and my mother had it for several years before we moved in. We had Fred Fuller for oil. Both auto delivery. We switched the oil over to Eastern after the Fuller debacle.

I'm treasurer of an association and we have Eastern for both propane and oil. Also auto delivery.

Both locations we have OTEA for pricing.

One thing about having auto delivery is that you have to be your own advocate and check your fuel levels from time to time. The companies, all of them, have various formulas to figure out "degree days". It works out under normal circumstances, but have something out of the ordinary occur that increases the usage for a period of time, and their system goes out of whack. Think company staying with you for a period of time increasing usage.

I check our oil tanks and propane tanks on a regular basis and deliveries track along with our usage very nicely, for the most part.

On Eastern's website, you can log into your account and if your tanks are at 20% propane or 25% fuel oil, you can email them. You get a return email usually next day and you are scheduled for the next delivery in your town.

In the last 10 or 15 years, I have used this service 3 or 4 times between the two locations. Delivery had been within the next 3 or 4 days.

Maybe I'm that lucky or perhaps Eastern is that good on Customer Service.

For those who had south for the winter, have a friend check your tanks.

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