12-30-2020, 06:46 PM
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Originally Posted by JEEPONLY
Even though I've been fortunate with auto-delivery, and periodic "changes" to these schedules, what you say here makes total sense. Once a blip occurs in a scheduled event (even computer regulated- which is controlled by a human!) it's time for follow-up (personal responsibility).
As I've mentioned earlier, somewhere on this forum- my working at home will increase my need for a change in auto-delivery timing. I've notified the company and will watch the oil gauge. If I feel the need to call, I will not hesitate!
This type of personal care to computer regulated stuff reminds me of the days when it was presumed that computers would minimize the amount of paper we use.
NO!- Make a hard copy/make a phone call/pay on time!
I would add "text" to this list, but my flip phone kind of negates that convenience! 
Exactly right!!