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Old 01-08-2021, 06:38 AM   #22
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Amerigas is not really some type of big bad boogeymen, largest liquid propane distributor in the country, or somet'n like that?

They just have a wee bit of a communication problem, going on now as they eliminate all their local go-to employees and move upward to their King of Prussia, Pennsylvania command center. Too much account communication s-e-c-u-r-i-t-y is what its all about. It's so secure I can't communicate with my own account which is actually my own danged fault. I need to upgrade my technology skill! This is January, 2021, at least until it become the month of February and so on, and so forth ...... ahem!

The only thing that matters here is that the tank has propane and doesn't go empty(period!).

Things went a whole lot smoother when the local office clerk was also the wife of the guy you play a poker game with, on Tuesday nights ..... but that's the way progress happens.
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!
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