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Old 01-18-2021, 08:38 AM   #24
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I went online and requested a delivery this was on 1/11 I received a confirmation number and everything. As of yesterday (1/17) still no delivery. I called the 800-805-0659 number as recommended in an earlier post. 10 minute wait time... The woman who finally answered "expedited" my request (nothing apparently was happening before this call). I said "shouldn't my confirmation number ensure I had a delivery scheduled?" her response "well not necessarily." Huh??? Well whatever it's now the 18th and she claimed she expedited a delivery request. Good thing I requested a delivery when I was at 40% in the tank!! This spring/summer I'm going to ask around and see who other folks like/use for deliveries. The "cheaper" association price does you no good when you run out and have pipes burst!! Hmmm guess you really do get what you pay for!
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