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Old 01-21-2021, 08:56 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
Switching suppliers almost never ever means removing the old tank and replacing it with a different tank. The tanks, regulators, and lp lines all remain the same and the account simply gets switched over to some other supplier. The only thing that gets changed is maybe the vinyl, stick-on name that's on the tank, if it has one. They just peel off the old name and slap on a new name ........ good-bye Amerigas ...... and hellooooo Eastern, or something like that.

Is Charlie Moore an Eastern customer himself in real life, or does he just leave town and go south to fishing-Florida in the win-tah? ......

Best way to shop it around is to take your paper work, in person, down to a local lp supplier and talk to them about it.

I’ve heard differing accounts wherein a new provider would not service tanks supplied by another provider. This is why we elected to purchase our own tanks for our standby generator. When we then set up service with Rymes we had to show proof of ownership of those tanks before they would service them.

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