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Old 01-21-2021, 10:16 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by tis View Post
I would absolutely switch. I was concerned about this too so I asked. The new company buys the tank from the old company if it is underground. Above ground ones can be changed. However, the question is what gas company is better? As I said in an earlier post, I had trouble with Rymes delivering. Maybe with the new ownership they are better? I had trouble with Eastern, they couldn't seem to figure out that how to post a payment that had been made when they switched from Wolfeboro Oil. I spend too much of my time on hold. Yesterday it was registrations, today it was insurance and appointments. Why do things have to be so complicated? I liked the old days before voice mail and answering machines!!!!!!
Thanks to those commenting on flexibility around tank ownership, that gives me some hope. Our tank is above ground, 330 gallons, old thing from mid-80s.

I had Rymes come out, and they indicated they would install their own tank and move the Amerigas one off to the side, but Amerigas would have to come retrieve it. And by regulation, they can't fill it in the meantime even as a one-off.

My issue with Rymes is that they quoted prices that were *double* what Amerigas is charging (my much fought for delivery in December was $1.739/gal). Now granted, expensive propane is better than a frozen house. But seems crazy that's the choice.

Appreciate this thread exploring new providers, with this second month of no service, I'm definitely prepared to make the switch, this has been horrible.
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