02-11-2021, 02:41 PM
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Originally Posted by XCR-700
As FlyingScot said a few posts back, "reasonable" if the key word.
Having visited Winnipesaukee since 1963, I have found most of the longtime residents and older visitors to be generally more cordial and respectful to each other, and too often newer residents who did in fact pay millions for their property and new to Winnipesauke day boaters to all be a bit less respectful to everyone, but thats a very broad brush and there are no absolutes. This just what is see in my limited travels.
Unfortunately it doesnt take too many outliers to sour the atmosphere for everyone.
A little kindness, a little respect, a little consideration, a little understanding, and a little forgiveness goes an awful long way. But when anyone is being clearly and intentionally disrespectful and inconsiderate then they deserve to be called out on it and get an earful. Even then there are ways to engage more successfully than hitting someone in the head with a bat (just kidding,,,) and unfortunately there will always be abusers who cannot be reasoned with,,,
Sorry, lots of words, and not much of use, just personal observations, thoughts and beliefs.
And though I have never been a land owner on the lake, I have thoroughly enjoyed it just as much as if I lived there, and I try to treat it and everyone I meet there as if it were my home.
Your experiences and opinions may differ,,,
I think if everyone enjoying the lake would adopt the " do unto others" attitude, things might be a lot different. We are very fortunate to call Mark Island home for 7 or 8 months out of the year. No " millions " involved, just careful spending and many, many years of hard work. I see lots of folks fishing near my docks, and most times I'll go down and chat with them. It's not often we get to enjoy the fruits of out labor, but if we have the chance to enjoy our beach, I want to listen to my music, not someone else's. I want to look at Bear Island and all the boats going by, not the back end of 6 boats rafting. We have not had an issue with rafters, as it's nicer to anchor off Bear for them with the late afternoon sun. If I was strictly a boater and not a homeowner, I think I'd ask myself how I'd feel if the roles were reversed...would I want someone rafting in front of my place? I'm thinking most would answer the same way. It's a big lake, and there's many places one could go to hang out and enjoy the day without taking enjoyment away from others. It's not at all about depriving anyone from anything, just common courtesy and respect.