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Old 02-19-2021, 02:15 PM   #133
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Originally Posted by Descant View Post
I think the two prime posters are just making stuff up (Randy Owen and XCR-700.) Randy wants to live on Farm Island in the summer. Not even close to the existing or proposed rifle range. He's worried about noise from 300 campers who will not be on Farm Island in any large numbers. They won't be
.c.c.playing ball or other large noisy group games etc.
XCR-700 is speculating about where things are or what might be OK or not OK,
with no apparent knowledge of what is already going on
Randy started a second thread to discuss the mainland squabbles, but also , posted the same opening remarks on the Farm Island thread, totally unrelated,

tGive it a rest, guys, or go to PM's or phones where you can figure ou
what/where you are
Hummm,,, Not sure I am "speculating" I was trying to make any sense of what was posted here and finally determined that its not possible.

Information is being dribbled out and is being mixed up in the most convoluted way possible.

This thread is a nightmare.

It is clear there are all kinds of personal agendas here and very little coherent and factual information.

I wish I had never read anything in this thread or posted a single response.

If anyone thinks it will help to untangle the matter, I would be more than happy to delete everything I posted as there is no way it was of any value in any way to any one.

Again, I truly wish I had never seen this thread and my apologies to all for adding to this nightmare of confusion.

If I had a good mallet handy I would wack myself in the head hoping it would erase my memory of this mess,,,
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