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Old 02-19-2021, 04:47 PM   #135
Randy Owen
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Default winnie shores

Originally Posted by codeman671 View Post
You obviously have an axe to grind with them, and that's fine. My point above is that SAB1 states that they live 100 yards from the site, and as a witness not involved in your mess he states that your claims are untrue/unfounded. I have no idea who Mr. Nelson is, but feel that I should be on a first name basis with him by now based on the number of times you have posted his same letter on this thread!

Taken from the post in question:

"There was no spillage into the lake. Those black pipes are less than 100yds from my property. No pumping of affluent out of the lagoons onto the land or lake. At the time those chambers were put in the State was involved as the system was failing. There was a two year ongoing project to completely redo that septic system . And just to be clear, those to lagoons or ponds contained 100% grey water no solids.

I have no affiliation with the Camp or Farm Island or axe to grind. Just hate seeing misconstrued facts all over this thread."

excellent deductions! and i am happy to answer
and yes there is way more to the story

as sab1 states he is within 100 yards of this sewage pond. he is actually also really close to the nuisance as the camp itself details in its overview. both the camp and sab1 want to rid themselves of the nuisance. the camps letter is attached to support this. in this letter the range/nuisance is move from their programing and sleeping area. this too is to sab1 and actually mr. nelsons advantage.

mr. nelsons actually provides two letter. also provided here is the second letter to support and demonstrate the ultimate of hypocrisy. in his first letter he does identify all he hates about the camp exploiting the neighborhood, the land and wild life. at this time he has no idea what the camp is proposing as his first letter details. in the second letter he has learned that he is loosing the nuisance and actually comes back and complements the camp. clearly his posture has zero regard for don mcwhirter the west camp abutters. to be clear mr. nelson and sab1 are loosing the nuisance and don and the people on farm and chase island are gaining the nuisance.

we were extremely disappointed with mr. nelson and others in that neighborhood. they simple abandoned don and their grudge with the camp as the nuisance was shall we say "good riddance" and put the burden on other neighbors. matter of fact is that sab1 concern is if don's legal actions prevail sab1 and mr. nelson keep the nuisance.

for the record i made dozens of phone calls, emails and text to the people in winnie shores. i begged them to align and ask camp belknap not to continue to screw the winnie shores neighbors and not to start to screwing the west camp area with the damn nuisance.

the camp has hundred of acres of land. there is tons of open land to locate this firing range that wouldn't SCREW ANYONE! a win for winnie shores, a win for west camp neighbors, a win for farm island and a win for chase island. the crying shame of it all is that now that don's appeal is likely to prevail winnie shore keeps the damn firing range nuisance.

you've found my passion i again ask you to understand my less then perfect domainer. while doing so please ask yourself the following: when was the last time you let one hundred thousand dollars of your children's money slip through you hands on another's selfish quest?
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