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Old 02-22-2021, 04:43 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Steveo View Post
Do these pool racks pick up a lot of sand when you use them or does it sift through the net leaving just the leaves.
If you scrape the bottom, it does and will pick up sand. We have a separate pile for that on the beach and then sift it out once it drys. We've gotten relatively good at NOT scraping the bottom and just getting out the debris to be honest. Takes a little practice, but you learn quite quickly. With the frequency of the waves moving in and out all weekend long, few passes will get you more than you think. Wait a few minutes and before you know it, the waves have acted like a coagulator and ready for a few more passes. We have a smaller beach (50ish feet) and an entire point, so almost like a small cove. Needless to say, it seems to catch most things that come rolling down Alton Bay.
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