Ya know the NHEC should definitely hire ME, fatlazyless, as an island outage ice-time specialist ...... because I can so totally go get out there ..... with my 22-lb 11.5' inflated stand-up paddle board while holding a large box of Cheez-its under one arm, and paddling with the other arm, while blind folded and one arm tied behind my back, all at the same time.
Like ...... it is so totally easy to do this! .......

...... weighing 22-lbs and equipped with a large, depressed carry handle in the center, it's good-to-go out to the iced in island ..... paddl'n the open water and walk'n across the ice ..... it's an ice, water amphibian long distance paddling-walking traveler that only weighs 22-lbs and is 11.5'x32"x6" size .... plus a box of Cheez-its for powering it along. ...... bringing Cheez-it power out to the icy island.
So's with an inflatable sup and a box of Cheez-its, I could be getting that island all powered back up in no time ....... easy-peasie! .....