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Old 03-12-2021, 12:09 PM   #11
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Default Supervision

In my mind, I keep going back to Glendale where there has been successful supervision at the docks for over 50 years, at least at peak times. The Wolfeboro Chamber of Commerce, with BOS approval, could hire somebody to be a dockmaster of sorts. Wave people in when there is room for their size boat, make space for larger boats. Post a sign that says docking here is implicit permission for your boat to be moved to make space for others. We used to do this all the time, especially at the Weirs, and in recent years, people have balked at it. A dockmaster could handle that. My recollection is, there is a four hour limit in Wolfeboro, but I'm unaware of any routine patrol to enforce that. A dockmaster could also send low profile boats under the bridge to additional public docks in Back Bay, that I understand are little known or used.
Does Wolfeboro have street parking meters (Weirs does)? Would docking meters help?
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