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Old 03-18-2021, 04:39 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by TiltonBB View Post
That is not the way the system works. Where do you start and where do you end a policy like this?

Just curious: Would you say the same thing about people with children in schools? They should pay the entire cost because they are the people who benefit?

If you have no drivers license should you be responsible for paying for highway upkeep?

What about the Fire Department? At the end of the year divide the costs up and bill only the people who used their services?
I doubt you will ever see this post but, I will address it anyway.... Even though I think you are provoking me....

The businesses are New Hampshire taxpayers. They already pay into the system. If their tax dollars are used to build roads and bridges to enable customers to drive to their store what about facilities for boaters patronizing their stores by boat? Also, in some situations they collect the NH Rooms and Meals Tax which would increase with higher revenue..
Vehicle Registration/inspection, Gas Tax, Tolls on 93/US3/95 etc. , this is the bulk of your road tax. This is why they have an OHRV Tax credit on your tax return for boats and all other OHRV's.

Just curious: Would you say the same thing about people with children in schools? They should pay the entire cost because they are the people who benefit?
Please do not throw your Leftist political view in this. Police/Fire and education do not belong in this discussion.

If you have no drivers license should you be responsible for paying for highway upkeep?
See above about where the funding comes from.

What about the Fire Department? At the end of the year divide the costs up and bill only the people who used their services?

Again, see above.

This is not about who uses what service. It is more about taking from one coffer to fill another..... Kinda like "spread the wealth".
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