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Old 03-26-2021, 07:11 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by thinkxingu View Post
How many businesses are people actually going to? I'm confident boaters aren't floating up to the docks to hit up the real estate office. It's probably more like 20 restaurants, ice cream stands, and clothing shops.

And my concern isn't just the downtown crowd, but the docks themselves. As someone above mentioned, Meredith has a bunch and they still have a wait—more docks = more interest—at prime time, there will always be a wait.

I'm of the "expanding things isn't always the solution" crowd. Lord knows how town, state, and national parks got destroyed this year from expanded use.

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I agree with you that it would be interesting to see how much and how many businesses actually benefit from the boats docking and also agree that there would still be a wait no matter how many docks they add. I imagine the Yum Yum and Black's and the restaurants, ice cream, and hotdogs stands are the biggest benefactors. Sure, people might buy clothes etc. but not every weekend.
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