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Old 04-05-2021, 01:02 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by MotorHead View Post
My wife and I own a water front 3 Bad, 3 bath summer house here in the lake region. The place is monitored 24/7 throughout the year. We have lost power maybe twice in the past three years, that was due to some ice storm we had a few years back.

So, NO, the power does not go out all over NH.

Reading this thread sure sound like the power goes out more often the other places. Bear island must be a beautiful place, have never been there. I can not imagine putting up with that kind of BS.
During the winter there is not always safe access to make repairs, so there is a chance of extended outages should damage occur. Our power feed comes in from Meredith Neck, so if lines on the mainland go down we are off as well. We had a few outages over the winter where we are, but nothing extended. A few properties were affected by downed poles and lines which could not be repaired, but these were isolated.
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