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Old 05-02-2021, 07:18 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by SAMIAM View Post
Very bad for two reasons this year.
The large resorts and camps in the lakes region rely on H2B
and J1 students with seasonal visas for much of their summer help and they are not getting many this year so they have to draw on the local labor pool to fill summer jobs.
Also,the enhanced unemployment benefits which are in effect through september, are causing people to just stay home and not work.
We are considering closing evenings for the summer because we just don't have enough staff to cover the shifts.
People are getting out more and it's shaping up for a big recovery this summer so it's going to be a struggle for many in the hospitality industry
Hey Samiam. Lots of retired folks in the lakes region. I realize the vast majority of the summer labor is from young kids out of school, but is there a meaningful contribution from older folks looking for a gig to bring in a few extra bucks or stay busy?

Maybe check with FLL. He seems to have a lot of time on his hands with all those posts and all.
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