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Old 05-05-2021, 09:28 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by Biggd View Post
I find that people that own their own business understand more than just an employee. That will never change. A business owner will work as hard as possible to keep his business going. An employee will only work as hard as their compensation. It's human nature, if you're going to pay people more not to work than to go to work they are going to take the larger pay.

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Regarding people that only work as hard as their compensation, I agree, that applies to many. Those folks are complaining 40 years later that they don't have the savings to retire. Those that do have the savings to retire are individuals that overcame human nature and busted their butt all throughout their careers to, not work as hard as their compensation, but to work harder than it. Doesn't take long for those individuals to be culled out for promotions by those that recognize their work ethic. Those that want to get ahead don't work for their current paycheck, they work for their future one.
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