Thread: Cruise News
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Old 05-07-2021, 01:41 PM   #46
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Default New niche

I see the Spirit fitting a niche that really isn't heavily served right now. As the smallest boat in their fleet, she'll be able to operate out of places presently not served meal/dinner cruises, e.g. Alton Bay, Meredith and Center Harbor events. I don't know how much the Winni Belle does in Wolfeboro. The Dive wanted to do some of this business, (events) but never had a good homeport or the ability to move around the lake.
I remember some good dinner cruises on the Aishling, a 54' Burger, but she too had little in the way of a good homeport. She also had a capacity of only 45 guests.
Capt Morash and his team showed some good flexibility and initiative in making the Mount a "restaurant" last year instead of an amusement ride, and covered their bases well during the pandemic. I have every confidence the Spirit will do well, and I highly doubt she will reduce anything the Mount Washington does.

Maybe it's time for another Forum Fest?
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