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Old 05-08-2021, 01:28 PM   #91
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Default Changing times

Originally Posted by FlyingScot View Post
Yes--it's an old quote and not related to covid as the issues you point out are. But it is an accurate description of how low wage labor in America has been hammered over the past several decades (less than 1% increase per year in this example). At some point, this leaves folks not wanting to work.
I think we're seeing a different kind of eating out. When I got my first restaurant job, they trained me to be a short order cook and cook's assistant. I was sixteen; there were bunches of small family run, seasonal restaurants and motels around the area. The motels went condo and people either BBQ'd at the condo, or looked for more upscale dining. Both of those opportunities for kids to get some experience are gone. The community colleges and UNH have, I believe, thriving schools for culinary arts and hospitality, but again, aimed at a more refined experience. Over the same time HS and college sports started backing things up into mid-August. I don't think ill of any employer who is reluctant, in a seasonal business, to hire somebody who wants a week's vacation and then has to leave on August 15. And, nobody needs the money anymore. Whose kid do you know who is "working his way" through college? Easy student loans and no collateral, and politicians who promise loan forgiveness.
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