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Old 05-08-2021, 04:02 PM   #93
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Default Agreed

Originally Posted by camp guy View Post
I think, Descant, that you have hit the high points, and each of them ,or all, apply to some, if not all, local employers. I do think, though, that these conditions are not knew, not caused by COVID, but have been in the making for a number of years.

Young people today are just not interested in working a summer job. So, when they do enter the labor market, and their perspective employer asks them if they have any experience, they are at a loss for what to say. Most employers employing beginning workers aren't expecting to hire a trained person, but they do hope to hire someone who has some level of experience in just being an employee.

Sadly, that's not happening. Because of this circumstance, some employees are finding themselves caught in an unpleasant dynamic wherein they have education, but no experience, only can find an entry-level job, but, have real-world expenses that an entry-level job won't cover. At some point in time the government bail outs will stop and then hard, cold reality will kick in.

My advice to someone looking for a job - take whatever comes along and do your best, and keep moving up from there.
Agreed--it's not just covid, but that's an easy thing to point to, especially as it it very quickly. The other things under discussion, as you note, have been gradual.

For young folks looking for experience for their resume: my first job out of school, I worked for my uncle. He's still hiring, men and women. Training of all sorts, clothing, food and housing allowance. College tuition and health plans unmatched. 30 days vacation--not this two weeks to start and earn more. When I was ready to leave and the job market was thin, he repeatedly hired me back as an instructor for 25 days at a time. A very kind employer, in my experience, and well regarded on my resume.
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