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Old 05-16-2021, 08:58 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by TFP View Post
This strikes me as one of those disappointing situations where both sides have dug in and refused to try to find a middle ground. Instead of condo owners saying “we’re keeping our shark cage style gates come hell or high water” and the store owner responding by asserting property rights over land previously shared at no cost, they should work together to find a fair solution.

I think the middle ground is that the gates stay but with the gate on the formerly rented dock modified to be unlocked automatically during store hours. Since that may require electricity being brought to the gate, it could be further modified to include a security camera. The store owner pays all costs for modifications but has the amount credited against an agreed rent. Everyone wins, condo association collects rent which should lower dues. Store owner has more space to offer to customers. Slip owners that have to deal with non members on their dock get the added security of knowing who is causing the trouble.
What about this suggestion. Since the store owners are requesting from the town authorities and state officials to have a seaplane base at the Pier 19 gas dock. How about extending the seaplane dock and sharing it with a seaplane and their boat customers. This will add needed boat dockage for boaters going to their store. It would also relieve the pressure for the town to modify the town docks. The town already has stated publicly that it does not support any commercial traffic on the 19 mile bay wharf. This idea to help support the store has been suggested just recently and has gotten traction. But why are they wanting a seaplane base in 19 mile bay? That suggestion has caused more social media negative comments than what they are trying to do with blocking off the ramps
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