Thread: The Dive
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Old 06-14-2021, 07:12 AM   #61
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Hummm,,, calling the Weirs location for the Dive a "happy spot" is like describing having a painful tooth pulled without any painkiller/Novocain. Maybe a necessary activity but not ideal.

It was possibly one of the least annoying spots for it to be parked, but aesthetically it added nothing to the view, well unless you prefer a dumpy look.

It was much like seeing a barge docked at the Weirs with a crane and construction materials. When we see a barge docked at the Weirs it is accepted as an accommodation and better then seeing said barge in front of someones home or a sandbar, but it does not improve the view of the Weirs. The Dive is similar. If the Weirs dock is open to commercial traffic (and I dont know anything about the rules of docking commercial traffic on public docks, so this is an assumption) then I accept that the Dive has the same rights as a barge or water taxi or any other commercial traffic. But as a semi permanent fixture on the Weirs dock it was an eyesore, not a happy addition.

Sorry it is just not a pleasant sight and not a plus.

Maybe if it were less hideous looking, that may change many opinions.

And please do not confuse my comments as being about the people who run the Dive or the food they serve or anything else, these comments are strictly regarding appearance of the Dive as seen from various locations on the lake.

I also do not know anything about their "business" arrangements with Laconia for using said space. If the Weirs dock is not open to commercial traffic and they must follow different rules than the public, that is all outside of my comments.

I simply do not agree that the Weirs location was a "happy spot" for a permanent Dive docking. However, it was possibly an acceptable spot for temporary docking for loading and unloading passengers.
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