Originally Posted by fatlazyless
As you know, it's painted bright white, so maybe repainting it with a lake water camouflage paint job consisting of ....... swirls of flat dark blue and swirls of flat dark gray ....... would make it much less visible and make it blend into the waterfront surroundings ..... something similar to the paint job on a Navy landing barge intended to be camouflaged.
Anchors away ....... and down the hatch ....... I'll drink to that one! ...   !!!
Well if nothing else it might make it more interesting ;-)
Or how about this, paint it so that it looks like a fancy boat or even a floating cottage rather than a "dive" but then maybe that the appeal to some (looking like a dive on the outside but being a nice place on the inside) and so that might not fit the business model (whatever that might be)
And in truth I dont begrudge them any desire to look like a dive, I simply say it is not attractive to many and possibly the cause of much of the anger about this venue.
By comparison I see the Tiki Huts all the time floating around the lake or docked on the back side of the Weirs pier and they always make me smile. I really enjoy seeing them and personally think they add an element of fun to the visual appearance of the lake. But thats my opinion, many others may disagree.