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Old 07-28-2021, 01:56 PM   #412
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Originally Posted by Seaplane Pilot View Post
Come on, FS. All the ranting and raving on this about boat traffic, dangerous conditions, noise etc., is specific to the seaplane operations in 19 Mile Bay. The efforts are to prohibit him from operating in that area, which is public access owned by the State. Therefore, they don't want him to use the lake in this specific area.

Regarding wake boats, noise, wakes etc.: OK, there have been numerous threads on here about it, but that's where it ends. No organized efforts to combat loud music and rid 19 Mile Bay of these boats and their associated noise.
Yes, there are a number of people in 19 Mile Bay who do not want planes up and down hourly in their back yards. I don't find that unreasonable or infringing on normal plane use of the lake. Just as I don't find it unreasonable to object to circling wake boats.

There has been organized opposition to wake boats. It was beaten back, as these things often are, by industry lobbying that stacked the deck against real action. You might Google NH wake boat commission or something like that. Look at the composition of the committee. Try not to laugh/cry at the idea of that particular group of people representing the general public's view on wake boats.
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